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Results oriented spread — How to get better results in your life!

July 29, 2011

Here is a new (four-card) spread I recently developed. It may be small, but it’s quite powerful. You can use it when something new (a job, relationship, etc.) is coming into your life and you want insights into it and your (potential) responses to it.

Results oriented spread


Positional Meanings:
1. Receipt: What’s coming into your life?
2. Reaction: How are you processing or reacting to that input?
. What do you think and feel about it?
3. Response: How are you responding to it?
. What decisions are you making about it (or should you be making)?
. What actions are you taking as a result (or should you be taking)?
4. Result: What are you creating in your life as a result?
. Or what, potentially, might you create?

Let me know how it works for you! 






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