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The Hope Spread

August 14, 2014

As I noted in a recent Pithy Tarot post for the Star card: “Sometimes the power of hope is all you’ve got to carry you through the dark until the dawn,” and in another recent post about that card I talked about the power and benefits of hope. In a bit of serendipity, then, I recently did a reading in which hope played a part, so I created a spread about it. This was the inspiration for the new spirituality spread you see here.

First a bit of background on the genesis of this spread: Some spiritual truths on which this spread is based are the ideas that both a positive world view and a sense of purpose help determine your ability to have hope, and that hope can change your life.

Here, now, is the spread:

312 triangle

  1. How does the Divine want you to change your world view?
  2. What is your divine purpose at this time?
  3. How can you regain hope, i.e., a belief in a positive outcome in your situation?


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